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There are generally three methods of detecting sheet metal rolling machine failures: interface signal detection, equipment detection, and experiential analysis. For interface signal detection, we can use a programmable device to check signals such as control system warning lights and interchanging lights, and perform a simple analysis to identify the source of the malfunction. For equipment detection, we can use the equipment detector that is often included with the purchase of a rolling machine. This method mainly checks the various circuits of the rolling machine to find the corresponding failure. Experiential analysis is a common method in which long-term rolling machine operators may have an idea of where the malfunction occurred. However, this method is not recommended because the lack of professionalism of the operator can bring danger at any time. Therefore, if repair is necessary, it must be approved by the organization. If the motor stops working or the rolling machine shuts down during operation, it may be caused by an overloaded circuit or the rolling machine trying to roll a sheet that exceeds its load capacity. This type of malfunction can be caused by an overload or other issues. To solve this problem, we can adjust the load capacity of the circuit and determine the rolling capacity of the rolling machine based on its load capacity. We should not try to roll sheets that exceed the machine’s load capacity. If the rolling machine’s spindle becomes overheated, it may be due to incorrect installation of parts, such as misalignment, or wear and tear on the spindle neck and holes. To solve this problem, we can adjust the spindle and parts of the rolling machine and apply lubricating oil to the appropriate parts.It is normal for a rolling machine to malfunction during operation, so how can we effectively reduce the failure rate of the rolling machine?